Friday, March 20, 2015

March GOYA (high/middle school) Ministry Meeting for St. Basil

On Saturday, March 14th we had our monthly GOYA (high school and middle school) meeting.  Our GOYA meets every 2nd Saturday evening (5 p.m.) of the month at the Park Ridge Senior Center.  We also have one other event each month.  This month we'll be having a Lenten lock-in at the church on March 27-28.  Fore more information contact the church at 312-243-3738.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mission Presentation at St. Basil Church

On Friday, March 6th, immediately following the Akathist Hymn service, parishioners at St. Basil were given a presentation by Ms. Laura Paulus, on Orthodox missions.  Ms. Paulus has been on a number of mission trips - to Guatemala, Tanzania, Galilee, Mexico and Alaska.  She spoke from her own experience as well as generally about missions and the need to help support Orthodox missionary work throughout the world.  Much thanks to Ms. Paulus for taking the time to visit with and present her knowledge and experience to our parish.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

An Interesting Video on the Beauty of the Cross

As we enter the mid-week of Great and Holy Lent (the week on which we remember the cross of Christ), the following video offers some spiritual food for thought.

Photos of Fire Repair at St. Basil Church

Below see a collection of photos from the progress on our church repairs.

New iconostasion.
New chandeliers half assembled.
Assembled chandelier - covered to protect from construction dust.
Pillars wrapping steel support columns (these pillars were taken from the old iconostasion).
Smoke ventilation hoods to take candle smoke out of the narthex (they still need to be covered in stone).

Monday, March 16, 2015

St. Basil Parish Apokreatiko Glendi 2015

On Sunday, February 15th, St. Basil celebrated its annual Apokreatiko Glendi.  Turn out was great and much thanks to Gus and Eleni Sarolas for coordinating the day - and to all who helped with their time and talents.