Saturday, February 20, 2016

2 Tim. 2:11-19, Luke 18: 2-8

A passage from St. Theophan the Recluse

“To more strongly impress the truth that men ought always to pray, and not to faint (Luke 18:1) and that they should continue to pray if their prayer is not soon heard, the Lord told the parable about the judge who neither feared God nor regarded man. The judge complied at last with the widow’s petition, not because he feared God and regarded man, but only because that widow gave him no peace. So, if such a callous man could not withstand the persistence of this woman’s petition, will not God, Who loves mankind and is filled with mercy, fulfill a petition raised up to Him persistently with tears and contrition? Here is the answer to why our prayers are often not heard: Because we do not send up our petitions to God zealously, but as though in passing; furthermore, we pray once today, then expect our prayer to be answered by tomorrow, not thinking to sweat and trouble ourselves any more in prayer. That is why our prayer is neither heard nor answered. We ourselves do not fulfill as we ought the law laid down for prayer-the law of hopeful and zealous persistence.”

In this reading, St. Theophan uses the Parable of the Widow and the Judge to talk about how important it is that we have persistence in our prayers. Sometimes we may think, “I should stop praying because God hasn’t answered that prayer yet, so it’s not worth it.” God has His own timing and it will always be different than ours. And that is perfectly okay. God listens to us and hears everything we tell Him. Prayer is our daily conversation with God and it is also the time when we call out to Him in times of need. Persistence in prayer is essential when building an intimate relationship with God. Prayer gives us the strength to endure this life knowing that God is by our side, and as a result, we feel closer to Him. “If we have died with him, we shall also live with Him” (2 Timothy 2:11). God lives with us every single day, so we live with Him by being aware of His presence and praying and communicating with Him.

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