Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The "E" Word: (Relatively) Simple Ways to be more Evangelistic in our World (Part 5)

The "E" Word: 
(Relatively) Simple Ways to be more Evangelistic in our World
(Part 5)

In the last article in this series we offered the first three of six suggestions that we can apply in our lives and in our churches to be consciously more evangelistic.  These first three suggestions were:

1.     Begin with prayer
2.     Build relationships with non-believers
3.     Invite someone to church

In this article we will conclude this series on evangelism with three final methods to become more evangelistic as a Christian and as a parish.

4.  Become accountable to someone else for sharing the gospel.  If sharing God's message with the people around us is something we value (even if it's something we don't currently do), then accountability can be a great help.  That which is accounted for is much more likely to be done.

This accountability person can be a likeminded friend, a family member or a priest.  Ideally, it would be a mutual accountability where both parties would be looking for the other to support and encourage (and, of course, hold them accountable) in this effort to spread the gospel.

5.  Have a meal with a non-believer.  This point is related to point number two above ("build relationships with non-believers"), but is more specific.  The goal here is, with people we know well who are not Christians, and with people we know less well, to open our lives to them - to let them into our world and if we are in fact struggling to live the Christian life, to have Christ's words from the gospel of St. John take affect - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matt. 5:16).

St. Paul had this same idea in mind as he went about his missionary work.  He tells the church in Thessaloniki, So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves... (1 Thes. 2:8).  Real evangelism is much more than just convey the content of the gospel (that’s just the start).  It’s also about walking along-side other people in their varying levels of spiritual maturity to help and guide and grow them in their faith (i.e. we were ready to share with you… our own selves...).

6.  Create a line item in the budget for outreach/evangelism.  This applies to both individuals and parishes.  If we as individual Christians are serious about evangelism, we should invest some money in buying good books that we can then give to people we meet who might be fertile soil for the message of the gospel.  And, as a parish, we said above, that which is accounted for is much more likely to get done.  The same rule applies here.  If no money is put towards any given ministry we (1) show that that particular ministry isn't important to us (For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (Matt. 6:21)) and (2) make it more difficult for that ministry to accomplish its work (anything we do well is going to cost some money).

For many of us, evangelism is unchartered water.  We often don’t know where to begin – but to that question, Jesus’ words in the book of Acts can give us some guidance.  Just before His ascension, He tells the apostles, … you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8).  Note that the first place where they will be witnesses is Jerusalem (which was where they were when Jesus said this).  The point being – we are to begin where we are – in our neighborhoods, in our schools, at our jobs, with our friends.  And may the Holy Spirit guide us in this sacred and God-glorifying work!

- Offered by Fr. Panteleimon Dalianis

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