Friday, October 31, 2014

Photos of Stained Glass Progress

We are happy to share news and photos of the colorful windows that will be installed in the Church.  Thanks be to God for His continued blessing of our Church and to you for your prayers and contributions to the ongoing capital campaign.
Also, know that we had launched a "challenge" three weeks back to have 110 pledged individuals for our capital campaign by January 4, 2015.  As of right now, we have 50 pledge forms in.  We're nearly half way there!
Please call the Church office at 312-243-3738 with any questions about the rebuilding and capital campaigns.  You can also visit the parish website here to learn more about our capital campaign efforts or to make a donation.


Prison Ministry Meeting Tomorrow (Saturday) at St. Basil

Tomorrow (Saturday, November 1st) at 11 a.m. our prison ministry at St. Basil will be meeting at church to start coordinating for the annual Christmas toy drive for children of inmates.  Last year we bought gifts for over 80 children, and this year we have 60 names of children (and likely will be given more as Christmas approaches).  We need all the help we can get.  Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Short Term Mission Trips Through OCMC

Thought I'd share the word that there are many short-term mission trips for the year 2015 that are being planned and this is an incredible way to serve our Lord and also to deepen our own faith in God (I speak from experience having gone to Albania for a short-term trip in 2001, and to Project Mexico twice in 2004 and 2005).

Click here for a list of trips in the coming year.

Update On Our Capital Campaign Progress

The pie chart below gives you a picture of where things stand today with our capital campaign.  Thankfully, we're past the 50% mark.  Thanks for your support as we renew our parish of St. Basil.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Work Moves Forward on Inside Repairs

Today the fire repair team met with our general contractor and the work is moving forward quickly.  Below are photos of the decorative framing that was around the larger icons on the ground floor north-side wall.  The original framing was destroyed in the fire, and what you see below is the new framing (which is a perfect copy of what was their prior to the fire).  To learn more about the work we're doing and how you can help support it, click here.

Photo From Sunday's Tour Of The Fire Repair

A parishioner forwarded this photo to me from this past Sunday.

Sunday School Continues Study of Divine Liturgy

This past Sunday (October 26), our Sunday school students learned about the offering bread (prosphoron) that is used in the Divine Liturgy and also made their own bread.  They also had a "Bible Fair" where each student brought in something that was significant to them concerning their faith and presented it to the class, and talked about Holy Communion and created their own mini chalices.  Thanks to our Sunday school staff and teachers.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Parishioners Get Look at Upstairs Progress

On Sunday, October 26, a large crowd of parishioners gathered at St. Basil to take a look at the upstairs fire repair progress.  Following Divine Liturgy parishioners were ushered upstairs where John Regas, who is heading the design component of the fire repair, along with other members of the fire repair committee explained where things stand on the repair work and what the next phases of the work will be.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

More Progress at St. Basil Rebuilding Effort

Below see photos of the various moldings and trip work that are coming in day-by-day to the church and are slowly being installed around the building.  Please consider supporting the work we are doing here by visiting our capital campaign webpage here.  God bless.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Photo Update at St. Basil Church

The work is moving forward quickly at St. Basil - nearly every day there are new photos to add to the blog (so visit often).  Also, if you'd like to know more about our current capital campaign to help complete this work, visit our parish website here.
New concrete poored in all of the steps from the basement to the balcony.
New external vents in narthex will remove candle smoke from inside the building (keeping things cleaner).
North wall in nave - drywall is complete.

North wall in nave (in corner where fire took place) - drywall is done, and new stain glass windows being completed off-site. 
Dome is nearing completion - with repairs nearly complete around circular base.
Dome repairs - new trim around base.
Drywall on face of balcony is completed.
Face of balcony with new drywall.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Dress a Girl Metropolis-Wide Event at St. Basil Church

With humbleness, pride, and love we gathered at the St. Basil Philoptochos Hall on Saturday, October 18th for our 2nd annual Metropolis-wide “Dress a Girl around the World” sew-a-thon.  One hundred thirty dresses were completed, and another 54 were taken home by some of the ladies to be completed.   We also had children 9 years old and older make bracelets and necklaces, which they then tied with a ribbon to a card that they had personally written a little note on.   These were placed in one of the pockets of the dresses, along with a pair of panties in the other pocket.   We have just begun to make pants for the boys, and will be adding them to the shipment that will be going to India in the very near future.  Our thanks to everyone that attended, and to those that were unable to we hope to see you at our next gathering.
(Submitted by Dorothy Bezemes)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Photo Update - October 14, 2014

Interior renovations continue to move forward.
Drywall is underway in the narthex.

New railings with "cross" design on the stairs from the narthex to the balcony.

Leveling floor in the southwest corner room on the balcony.

Decorative beams are nearing completion on the ceiling.

Dome is ready to receive the new "Pantokrator" icon.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Capital Campaign Update

As we move into Fall, we wanted to provide an update on the status of the Capital Campaign.  Since the fire last year, many people throughout the community have given of themselves, and donated to help us rebuild, renew, and restore St. Basil since the fire we suffered in 2013.  Late this spring at the Recipe's for Rebuilding Fundraiser, we kicked off the next phase of our Capital raising efforts with three key goals:

  • Rebuild the Church following the fire
  • Renew and restore the Church through much needed capital and building improvements
  • Retire the outstanding mortgage to secure the future

At the fundraiser many people also saw the brochure and FAQs that we drafted to further explain our goals, and answer the many questions that arise from such an initiative (available here:
We have sent out these materials also to members of St. Basil's, and others that contributed toward the rebuilding shortly after the fire.  Father Panteleimon and I have also met with prospective donors and would like to talk with others who have any additional questions.

We are encouraged by the donations we have received to date, but in order to fulfill the objectives much work remains.  To date we have had three (3) individuals pledge at the $50,000 level, two (2) individuals pledge at the $25,000 level, a number of individuals who have pledged $1,000 or above, as well as smaller donations.  As you know we are seeking 3 year pledge commitments, and at this point are about 45% complete of our total objective.  This campaign is a stretch for St Basil's, yet we are confident that with continued generosity from our parish and the broader community we can achieve our objective.

In Christ's Service
George T. Tziahanas

Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 12 - St. Basil Parish Update

On Sunday, October 5th the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese recognizes all of our church musicians, and in this vein, at St. Basil we offered the Artoklasia (the blessing of the five loaves) service for the health and salvation of all of our choir members, our director and our chanters.  May God continue to bless their ministry.  For more information on this ministry, contact the church office or Fr. Panteleimon.

On Saturday, October 11, the St. Basil Pan-Orthodox Adult Fellowship (POAF) ministry spent the afternoon at the Greater Chicago Food Depository (in the south west corridor of Chicago) labeling cans of black beans and loading them into boxes for distribution throughout the city.  For more information on this ministry, contact our ministry coordinator, Patrice Dalianis at