Tuesday, December 30, 2014

As we Celebrate our Parish Feastday - a Brief Life of St. Basil the Great


Basil was born during the reign of Emperor Constantine. While still unbaptized, Basil spent fifteen years in Athens where he studied philosophy, rhetoric, astronomy and all other secular sciences of that time. His colleagues at that time were Gregory the Theologian and Julian, later the apostate emperor. In his mature years he was baptized in the river Jordan along with Euvlios his former teacher. He was Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia for almost ten years and completed his earthly life fifty years after his birth. He was a great defender of Orthodoxy, a great light of moral purity, a religious zealot, a great theological mind, a great builder and pillar of the Church of God. Basil fully deserved the title "Great." In liturgical services, he is referred to as the "bee of the Church of Christ which brings honey to the faithful and with its stinger pricks the heretics." Numerous works of this Father of the Church are preserved; they include theological, apologetical, ascetical and canonical writings as well as the Holy and Divine Liturgy named after him. This Divine Liturgy is celebrated ten times throughout the year: the First of January, his feast day; on the eve of the Nativity of our Lord; on the eve of the Epiphany of our Lord; all Sundays of the Honorable Fast [Lenten Season], except Palm Sunday; on Great and Holy Thursday and on Great and Holy Saturday. St. Basil died peacefully on January 1, 379 A.D., and was translated into the Kingdom of Christ.

- From The Prologue from Ochrid

Update on Church Repair Progress

Over the last few days, the slag (a bi-product from smelting metals that was used as insulation in the floor of our church (something that was common in the early 1900s)) has been removed from the floors in the church (the plan is to replace it with conventional insulation in the floors for sound purposes).  And the leveling and replacing of the entire nave floor is underway.  For more information on the what we're doing and to support our work, visit our capital campaign website here.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Sunday School Christmas Pageant

On Sunday, December 21, our Sunday school youth and teachers put on their annual Christmas pageant.   We had a beautiful turn out from our young people.  Much thanks to parent and teachers who mad the event possible.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Prison Ministry Delivers Gifts to Children of Inmates

On Saturday, December 20th, our prison ministry team delivered gifts to 59 young people whose parents are incarcerated.  Parishioners from St. Basil bought and wrapped the gifts and brought them to church on the previous Sundays, and the prison ministry team delivered them to the doors of these families.  Through the generous donations of our parishioners, we were also able to give a $30 Jewel gift card to each household where we delivered gifts.  Much thanks to all who donated and volunteered their time, talents and treasures.  Merry Christmas - Kala Xristouyena!!!

Friday, December 19, 2014

St. Basil - Floor Being Removed in Nave and Sanctuary

Below you'll see a photo from earlier this week with the entire solea (the elevated area just in front of the icon screen) and the sanctuary entirely removed.  For more information on our renovation and capital campaign, please visit our parish website here.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Demolition on Solea/Sanctuary Underway

The photos below are from Wednesday, December 10th, and show the east wall of the church - with the elevated area that makes up the solea and sanctuary, completely demolished.  The is the beginning of the tear up of the entire church floor, with the final goal of leveling and re-laying the floor.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Theological Thought for the Day

Philoptochos Chrismas Party and Wrap-up of Yiayia's Kouzina Baking

On Tuesday, December 9th, our Ladies Philoptochos finished its baking for the Yiayia's Kouzina winter baking session, and also had it's annual Christmas party.

Restoration Progress - Tearing up Downstairs Floor

Restoration continues at St. Basil as activity moves to the church floor.

Above and below - workers demolish old solea and sanctuary floors.
View of downstairs floor of church - the plastic tarp above was spread out to reduce dirt and dust from getting to the newly repaired ceiling and dome icon.

Top view of the tarp.

Ceiling beams on north side of builing.

Monday, December 8, 2014

First Sunday with Scaffolding Down

On Sunday, December 7, parishioners at St. Basil were finally able to go upstairs and see the ceiling (with the scaffolding down).  For more information on the work we're doing and how you can help, click here to visit our capital campaign site.

St. Basil GOYA Has First Meeting

On Saturday, December 6th, our 8th grade - 12th grade youth gathered at Fr. Panteleimon's house to restart the GOYA ministry at St. Basil.  The evening included a discussion session where Father and those in attendance did some planning for the year ahead.  This was followed dinner, an ice-breaker (charades) and a talk on "Who is God?"  For more information on our GOYA ministry contact the church at 312-243-3738, or email Fr. Panteleimon at father.pgd@gmail.com.


Friday, December 5, 2014

St. Basil Stewardship Kick-Off Presentation

The video below is the same presentation that was offered on the two Sundays of our 2015 Stewardship kick-off (November 16 and 23).  The presentation gives an overview of the past year and where we stand right now with our 2014 stewardship program.  It also offers a new challenge for the year ahead, and looks at some hypotheticals, regarding what we can do as a parish if we all work together.
Also note that we've added a new functionality to our website, which allows stewards to submit their 2015 stewardship commitment entirely on-line.  Click here and then click "Online Stewardship Form" to find out more.


Quote for the day

[The following quote is on a commentary from Luke 12 - the story of "the rich fool"]

Yet the foolish man says, “I will pull down my barns, and build greater” [Luke 12:18].  And if your land yields even more bountifully in the future, will you pull these down and build again?  But what need is there to pull down and build?  You have available to you as storehouses the stomachs of the poor which can hold much, and are indestructible and imperishable.  They are in fact heavenly and divine storehouses, for he who feeds the pauper, feeds God.

- From The Explanation by Blessed Theophylact of the Holy Gospel According to Luke (commentary on Luke 12:16-21)

The Scaffolding Has Come Down at St. Basil


Join us this Sunday, December 7th, upstairs after the Divine Liturgy to see the new Pantocrator in the dome that shines with the warmth of gold painted, intricate designs and gold leafing. We are pleased to share with you the attached photos.

Thanks be to God for His continued blessings.  And thank you to all the capital campaign donors who have so generously supported the rebuilding. We are getting closer to the day when we can celebrate the Divine Liturgy in the renovated Church.   But your help is needed to reach the capital campaign goal to complete the proposed work. $782,000 of the $1,300,000 goal has been pledged (we're 60% of the way there - see attached chart).   Please
click here for a pledge form and to read about the rebuilding plans.  If you have already submitted your form, please consider fulfilling your commitment by year-end so work can continue uninterrupted.  The Church has received 65 pledge forms so far towards our goal to have 110 pledges in by Sunday, January 4

Please visit the Church blog here for other parish news and event information.

Please continue to keep St. Basil Church in your prayers.  We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

In Christ's Service,
The St. Basil Capital Campaign Team


Monday, December 1, 2014

Pulpit, Font and Chanters Pews are Being Shipped

The photos below were sent to us from the woodworkers in Greece of our order being shipped.